Villagers in a celebrated national park have revived a historic May tradition by bringing back a Green Man Parade 175 years since it was last celebrated.

200 people in Burley, Hants, turned out to see the first parade in the village since the 19th century.

The Burley Green Man Parade featured a town crier, a master of ceremonies, Morris dancing, flag-raising, drummers, a parade, a green lady and a green man.

Burley, in the New Forest National Park, held an annual Green Man Parade in the 1850s and 1860s.

However, the tradition was brought back to life at the weekend for the first time after Simon Wood organised it.

With the Green Man Association of the New Forest, which was set up last year, Mr Wood set up the event at Burley Manor.

The Green Man Parade is a celebration to help people connect with nature.

The celebration began with the town crier ringing a bell before the master of ceremonies explained the history behind the event.

Then, villagers were treated to a Morris dance and were introduced to the Green Lady, who said she was looking for her consort, the Green Man, so they could 'bring life to the forest'.

A Flag was raised and the parade of people went looking for the Green Man, with drummers providing music.

Crowds paraded through the village before the Green Man was eventually found and given a crown.

Organiser Mr Wood, 60, said: "It went really well, we are absolutely over-awed with how the day went.

"200 people came out for it, it was beyond our expectations for it."

Mr Wood, an investigator with Hampshire Fire and Rescue Service, added: "We've taken as much as we can from the past and replicated it for this parade.

"I've had an interest in folklore for decades and I've lived in the New Forest for 22 years - it's such a special place within the country and it has lots of historical stuff that is peculiar and individual to the New Forest."

Mr Wood, from nearby Hythe, said fifth generation descendants of the original Green Man - John Bromfield - attended and handed the crown to the Green Lady.